Being one of the pioneers of kiteboarding has been great, full of benefits and good riding. One thing I learned from Surfing and Snowboarding is that "you got to be at the right spot at the right time!" This is the reason I spent so much time and money looking for the "perfect" kite beach. I found it in the Dominican Republic. Most spots got an automatic DQ because kiteboarders could not own the land. Not so in the DR. Maui Builder, Doyle Betsill, and I purchased a beautiful peice of property in the center of Kite Beach. It turns out that there is much more to kite beach than just the ocean front. EL Choco National Park is on the lagoon side of the beach. El Choco is beaming with fish, birds and wild life. It is here on the Lagoon side where we decided to build Phase One, "Pirate's Cove." This phase sold out quickly and now it is time to build Phase Two "Method Lodge". The lodge is ocean front and offers kiteboarders a chance to own a piece of kiteboarding paradise and history. For more about the method lodge, contact John at methodlodge@gmail.com
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